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This documentation will guide you on how to setup your local development environment.

The installation process is composed of two parts: install and run the Invenio backend, and install and run the JavaScript frontend (Single Page Application).


Make sure that you have installed the prerequisites below:

Quick start

Every time you want to run InvenioILS, you will need to:

  1. have the Docker services up and running
  2. have the InvenioILS backend development web server and celery workers running
  3. have the InvenioILS UI development web server running

1. Scaffold project

Scaffold your InvenioILS instance. Replace <version> with the version you want to install:

invenio-cli init ils -c v4.0.0

You will be asked several questions. If in doubt, choose the default.

2. Start all dependent services using docker-compose

This will start PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ and Redis:

cd my-site/
docker-compose up -d

3. Build, setup and run backend part


Run the backend server:

FLASK_ENV=development pipenv run invenio run --cert docker/backend/test.crt --key docker/backend/test.key
Note The server is using a self-signed SSL certificate, which we specify in the command above. If this is not the desired behaviour, you can by-pass it by:

  1. Changing REACT_APP_INVENIO_UI_URL and REACT_APP_INVENIO_REST_ENDPOINTS_BASE_URL variables in ui/.env file to run on http instead of https.
  2. Running the server without specifying the certificate: FLASK_ENV=development pipenv run invenio run

In a new terminal, start the celery worker. Make sure you are in the project folder (my-site) then run:

pipenv run celery -A invenio_app.celery worker -l INFO

4. Install UI dependencies

Open a separate command line and install the JavaScript dependencies:

cd my-site/ui
npm install

5. Run frontend web server

npm start

Now visit (accept the self-signed certificate warning if proposed). You should now see the InvenioILS website.

6. Stop it

When you are done, you can stop your instance and optionally destroy the containers:

To just stop the containers:

docker-compose stop