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Now that you have Invenio-CLI installed, we will use it to scaffold a new instance of InvenioILS.

Initialize project

First, we need to create the project - the necessary files and folders for your InvenioILS instance.

The CLI will require the following data:

- **Project name**: Title of your project with space allowed (project name for humans)
- **Project short name**: Hyphenated and lowercased title (project name for machines)
- **Project website**: URL where the project will be deployed
  • GitHub repository: Repository in format <owner>/<code repository>
    • Description: Short description of project
  • Author name: Your name or that of your organization
  • Author email: Email for communication
  • Year: The current year
  • Python version: 3.7 (default), 3.7, 3.8, or 3.9.
    • Database: PostgreSQL.
    • Elasticsearch version: 7.
    • Storage backend: Local file system.

It will also generate a test private key which is needed for SSL support in the development server.

Let's do it! Pressing [Enter] selects the option in brackets [].

invenio-cli init ils -c <version>

Where <version> should be replaced with the version you want to install, e.g.:

invenio-cli init ils -c v4.0.0

Initializing ILS application...
Running cookiecutter...

project_name [My Site]:
project_shortname [my-site]:
project_site []:
github_repo [my-site/my-site]:
description [My Site InvenioILS Instance]:
author_name [CERN]:
author_email []:
year [2022]:
Select python_version:
1 - 3.7
2 - 3.8
3 - 3.9
Choose from 1, 2, 3 [1]:
Select database:
1 - postgresql
Choose from 1 [1]:
Select search:
1 - elasticsearch7
Choose from 1 [1]: 
Select file_storage:
1 - local
Choose from 1 [1]:
Select development_tools:
1 - yes
2 - no
Choose from 1, 2 [1]:

Generating SSL certificate and private key for testing....
Generating a 4096 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'docker/backend/test.key'
Generating a 4096 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'docker/frontend/test.key'

Project structure

You can now inspect the generated project structure:

cd my-site
ls -a1

Following is an overview of the generated files and folders:

Name Description
docker Example configuration for NGINX and uWSGI. Consists Dockerfiles for building backend and frontend docker images.
templates Folder for your Jinja templates.
ui Web assets (CSS, JavaScript, LESS, JSX templates) used in the Webpack build.
vocabularies Folder for vocabularies (mappings, schemas, etc).
docker-compose.full.yml Example of a full infrastructure stack (DO NOT use in production!)
docker-compose.yml Backend services needed for local development.
docker-services.yml Common services for the Docker Compose files.
invenio.cfg The Invenio application configuration.
Pipfile Python requirements installed via pipenv
Pipfile.lock Locked requirements (generated on first install).

Notes and known issues

  • You may be prompted with You've downloaded /home/<username>/.cookiecutters/cookiecutter-invenio-ils before. Is it okay to delete and re-download it? [yes]:. Press [Enter] in that case. This will download the latest cookiecutter template.

  • Some OpenSSL versions display an error message when obtaining random numbers, but this has no incidence (as far as we can tell) on functionality. We are investigating a possible solution to raise less eyebrows for appearance sake.